FASB Decision to change Income Tax Accounting for Intra-entity Assets Transfers

FASB Decision to change Income Tax Accounting for Intra-entity Assets Transfers

FASB decided to require an entity to recognize income tax impact of an intra-entity asset transfer, other than an intra-entity asset transfer of inventory.

An intercompany sale or purchase of assets between entities in different taxing jurisdictions is a taxable event for the seller and a new tax basis for the buyer. Under current guidance under ASC 810 and 740, intra-entity balances, transactions, and profit or loss on assets remaining within the consolidation group be eliminated and the related tax impacts (i.e., tax payable on gain by the seller and deferred tax asset related to tax basis adjustment to buyer) are not recognized for US GAAP based financial statement purposes.

However, this non-recognition treatment will be eliminated from US GAAP, except for intra-entity asset transfer of inventory. This amendment is expected to be effective annual reporting periods beginning after December 15, 2017 for public entities and December 15, 2018 for all other entities. Early adoption is permissible.

Please see the attached FASB meeting minute below.

Intra-Entity Asset Transfers.pdf

Annual Report Requirements for Multinational Companies

Annual Report Requirements for Multinational Companies

Added to the already overwhelming various international information disclosure requirements, the IRS issued final regulations requiring large US multinational companies to file annual report disclosing certain information on a country-by-country basis related to their income and tax payments. The regulations are issued in connection with the BEPS implementation by the US government.

Generally, the filing requirement apply to US taxpayers that are the ultimate parent entities of multinational enterprise group with prior year annual revenue in excess of $850 million. The regulations are effective tax years beginning on or after July 1, 2016.

Click below link to see a copy of 1.6838-4 for your reference.

Final reg Country-by-country report.pdf

Proposed Section 385 Regulations

Proposed Section 385 Regulations

In April 2016, IRS issued proposed regulations under IRC section 385 which would dramatically change the treatment of intercompany debt issued among the members of certain corporate groups. The proposed regulations would apply to debt instruments issued on or after April 4, 2016 if finalize. Based on the President’s public remarks targeting corporate inversions, tax professionals expect IRS to finalize this package before the end of the Obama Administration. In general, the proposed regulations would:

• Treat as stock certain related-party interests that otherwise would be treated as indebtedness for federal tax purposes.
• Authorize the IRS to treat certain related-party interests in a corporate as indebtedness in part and stock in part for federal tax purposes.
• Established extensive documentation requirements in order for certain related-party interest in a corporation to be treated as indebtedness for federal tax purposes.

If the documentation and information requirements are not satisfied on a timely basis, then the instrument will be treated as equity for federal income tax purposes. The documentation and information that must be prepared on a timely basis to satisfy the requirements of this section include written documentation establishing:

• That the issuer has entered into an unconditional and legally binding obligation to pay on demand at one or more fixed dates,
• That the holder has the rights of creditor to enforce the obligation,
• That, as of the date of issuance of the instrument and taking into account all the relevant circumstances, the issuer’s financial position supported a reasonable expectation that the issuer intended to, and would be able to, meet its obligations pursuant to the terms of the instrument,
• Evidence of payments of principal and interest, and in the event payments were not made, the holder’s efforts to assert its rights as creditor.

    Take Away

When companies issue debt instruments to related corporations and partnerships, the instruments must have characteristics in form and in substance, and must fulfill documentation requirement provided under the 385 regulations to avoid any complicit with taxing authorities.

FATCA Reporting Requirement for Domestic Entities

FATCA Reporting Requirement for Domestic Entities

IRS has announced about the final regulations of 6038D requiring a “specific domestic entity” to make an annual disclosure of its specific foreign financial assets. This regulation is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2015.

The final regulations extend the Form 8938 reporting requirement to specific domestic entities. A specific domestic entity is defined as a domestic corporation, domestic partnership or a domestic trust “formed or availed” of for purposes of holding (directly or indirectly) specific financial assets.

An entity is “formed or availed” for purpose of this regulation if below two conditions are met:

1. The entity must be closely held – 80% constructive ownership requirement.
2. At least 50 percent of income or assets are passive in nature.

It is anticipated that the IRS will modify current Form 8938 to incorporate entity filers. Please refer to the Regulation section 6038D-6 (attached below) or contact our office for further detail.

6038D Final Reg.pdf