Final Regulations on Bonus Depreciation

Final Regulations on Bonus Depreciation

The IRS issued final regulations providing additional guidance on bonus depreciation under IRC section 168(k).  One of the notable guidance included in the regulations relates to the definition of qualified improvement property (QIP) eligible for the bonus depreciation.

Before the enactment of the CARES Act, QIP placed in service after December 31, 2017 was depreciated over 39 years and the property was not eligible for an immediate deduction.  However, the CARES Act retroactively changed the recovery period for QIP from 39 to 15 years, which made QIP eligible for bonus depreciation through 2026.

The regulations define QIP as any improvement to a building’s interior that are made by the taxpayer. An improvement is made by the taxpayer if the taxpayer makes, manufactures, constructs, or produces the improvement for itself or if the improvement is made, manufactured, constructed, or produced for the taxpayer by another person under a written contact.  However, improvements do not qualify for bonus depreciation if they are attributable to the enlargement of the buildings, any elevator or escalator or the internal structural framework of the building.

The regulations provide a helpful tool to manage cash tax obligations for many of the taxpayers struggling to survive through the Pandemic.

California Assembly Bill 2088 (Korean version)

고액자산가를 대상으로 부유세 법안 California Assembly Bill 2088” 발의

Assembly Bill 2088 법안이 통과될 경우, 개인이 소유하고 있는 자산이 부부합산신고의 경우 $30,000,000, 부부개별신고를 하는 경우 $15,000,00을 초과하는 납세자에게 0.4%의 세금을 부과한다. 이 법안은 거주자, part-year 거주자 및 임시 거주자에게 적용되며, 현재 캘리포니아 거주자가 아닐지라도 지난 10년을 기준기간으로 설정하여 과거 10년 중 부유세에 해당하는 경우 과세를 하게 된다.

10기준기간 조항

부유세 대상이 되는 납세자의 순자산은 지난 10년중 캘리포니아에 거주한 연수를 10년으로 나눈 비율을 사용하여 계산된다. 즉, 이전에 부유세 대상자였지만 캘리포니아 밖으로 이주하여 비거주자가 된 납세자의 경우, 납세자가 비거주자였던 연수에 따라 세금이 감소한다.

Part-year 거주자 임시 거주자

1년 중 60일 이상 캘리포니아에 거주한 사람은 임시 거주자로 정의되며 Part-year 거주자 및 임시 거주자의 경우, 세금은 캘리포니아 주에 거주한 일수에 비례하여 적용한다.

과세 대상 순자산에는 다음이 포함된다:

  • 상장 및 비상장기업 (C-corporation) 주식
  • S-corporation 주식
  • 파트너십 및 사모펀드 지분
  • 주식회사가 아닌 사업의 지분
  • 채권 및 이자부 저축 계좌
  • 현금 및 예금
  • 농장 자산
  • 뮤추얼 펀드 및 인덱스 펀드
  • 해약 특권부 거래
  • 채무증권
  • 부동산 간접지분

평가 방법

시장 가치를 쉽게 구할 수 있는 자산의 경우, 시장가치로 세금 부과 대상이 되는 순자산이 평가된다. 시장 가치를 쉽게 구할 수 없는 자산의 경우 평가 방법을 명확히 하는 규정을 Franchise Tax Board가 채택할 것으로 보인다.


법안은 $1,000,000 또는 세금의 20%를 초과하는 미달 지급에 대해 20%의 벌금을 부과한다.


이 법안의 제정을 위해서는 3분의 2의 득표가 필요하기 때문에 이 법안의 통과는 공화당 의회의 많은 반발에 직면 할 것으로 예상된다. 고액순자산보유자는 입법 업데이트를 검토해야하겠다.

California Assembly Bill 2088

California Assembly Bill 2088 proposes a new Wealth Tax on High Net Worth Individuals

Assembly Bill 2088 (the “Bill”) would impose a 0.4% tax on residents with a worldwide net worth in excess of $30,000,000 ($15,000,000 for a married taxpayer filing separately).  The proposed tax, if enacted, would apply to residents, part-year residents, and temporary residents.  The proposed tax also applies a 10-year lookback period in taxing former residents who had been subject to the wealth tax in any of the preceding 10 years.

10-year lookback provision

The portion of a taxpayer’s wealth subject to the wealth tax is multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which shall be years in residence in California over the 10 preceding years with 10 years being the denominator.  For taxpayers who have previously been subject to the wealth tax in one of the preceding 10 years but left the state and became a nonresident, the tax would decrease based on the number of years the taxpayer has been a nonresident.

Part-Year and Temporary Resident

Temporary residents are defined as those who stay in the state more than 60 days during the calendar year.  For part-year and temporary residents, the tax would apply proportionally based on the number of days they are in the state during the year.

Net Worth subject to Wealth Tax

Assets subject to the tax under the Bill includes, but not limited to:

  • Stock in publicly and privately traded C-corporation
  • Stock in S-corporation
  • Interests in partnership and private equity funds
  • Interest in noncorporate businesses
  • Bonds and interest-bearing savings accounts
  • Cash and deposits
  • Farm assets
  • Mutual funds and Index funds
  • Puts and calls
  • Debt securities
  • Indirect interest in real property

Valuation Method

Assets with readily available market value will be used to determine the net worth subject to the tax.  For those assets without readily available market value, the Franchise Tax Board will adopt regulations that would clarify valuation methods.


The Bill imposes 20% penalty for underpayments exceeding $1,000,000 or 20% of the tax due.


It is anticipated that the passage of this Bill will face lot of challenges and push-back from Republican Assembly, as it requires two-thirds of votes for enactment.  However, high net worth individuals with connections in the state should monitor the legislative updates.

Notice 2020-65: Employee Payroll Tax Deferral

The Treasury issued guidance on Friday afternoon related to employee payroll tax deferral.  The guidance follows President Trump’s executive order made on August 8 allowing deferral of withholding and payment of Social Security taxes on employees’ paycheck. The deferral is available for employees earning less than $4,000 biweekly from September 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020.  The employers must withhold and pay the deferred taxes ratably from wages and compensation paid between January 1, 2021 and April 30, 2021.

Further clarification is needed:

According to Treasury Secretary Mnuchin, such deferral is optional for the employer and not mandatory, but the guidance is silent how such election is to be made.

President Trump plans to “permanently defer” such deferred taxes if he is re-elected in November, but the taxes would ultimately have to be paid unless Congress acts to forgive the liability.  So if the things don’t pan out the way he plans, are the employers responsible for the deferred taxes if the employee is no longer employed during the payback period?

Click the link below to read the Notice 2020-65