California’s Elimination of NOL Suspension and Tax Credit limitation, Elective Pass-Through Entity Tax Expansion (English Version)

California Governor Newsom signed into law Senate Bill 113 (SB 113), which contains important California tax law changes, including reinstatement of business tax credits and net operating loss (NOL) deductions, as well as expansion of California’s pass-through entity (PTE) tax.

Assembly Bill 85 (AB 85) suspended use of NOLs for tax years 2020-2022 for taxpayers with California taxable income of at least $1 million. That bill also limited the use of business tax credits, such as research and development credits, for tax years 2020-2022 to $5 million annually. SB113 removes these limitations for tax year 2022. Refer to the following article for more information on AB 85: CALIFORNIA'S NOL SUSPENSION AND OTHER TAX INCREASE MEASURES

SB 113 also modifies the state’s elective PTE tax and corresponding tax credit. Under law existing prior to SB 113, for tax years beginning on or after Jan. 1, 2021, and before Jan. 1, 2026, qualifying PTEs may annually elect to pay an entity-level state tax on income. Qualified taxpayers receive a credit for their share of the entity-level tax, reducing their California personal income tax. Refer to the following article for more information on PTE: CALIFORNIA PASS-THROUGH ENTITY TAX ELECTION

SB 113 expands the availability and benefit of the elective PTE tax and corresponding tax credit with the following changes:

  • Including guaranteed payments as qualified net income subject to the PTE tax.
  • Expanding eligibility for the PTE tax to entities that have a partnership as a partner, member, or shareholder.
  • Expanding the definition of “qualified taxpayer” to include a limited liability company that is a disregarded entity meeting certain criteria.
  • Allowing the PTE tax credit to reduce a taxpayer’s tax below the tentative minimum tax.
  • Requiring the elective tax credit to be applied against the net tax after credits for taxes paid to other states, effective for tax years beginning on or after Jan. 1, 2022.

Please see the below article for further detail (a link provided below).



California Democrats’ Proposal for Tax Increase (Korean version)

캘리포니아 민주당 의원들은 1인 의료보험제도에 자금을 대기 위해 캘리포니아주의 조세 수입을 거의 두 배로 늘리는 헌법 개정을 발의했다. 만약 제정된다면, 개인 최고 한계 소득 세율이 현 13.3%에서 18.05%로 인상되고, 사업자는 법인 소득세 8.84% 외에 수익에 2.3%의 gross receipt tax가 부과된다. 상위 소득자에 대한 총 한계 세율은 57.65% (연방정부의39.6%와 캘리포니아의 18.05%를 더한 세율)로 상승하게 된다.

캘리포니아 주 상원과 의회 모두 이 법안을 통과시키기 위해서는 3분의 2 이상이 찬성으로 투표해야 한다. 현재, 민주당은 양원에서 75%의 의석을 차지하고 있어, 이 법안이 통과될 확률이 높다. ‘Golden State’ 라고 불리우는 캘리포니아의 생활비는 많은 사람들이 감당할 수 없게 되고 있다. 자세한 내용은 Tax Foundation에서 발행한 기사를 참조 하기 바란다.




California Democrats’ Proposal for Tax Increase (English version)

To fund a single-payer health care system, California Democratic lawmakers have proposed a constitutional amendment that would nearly double the states’ tax revenue.  If enacted, it will increase the top marginal income-tax rate to 18.05 percent from the current 13.3 percent for individuals, and businesses will be subject to gross receipt tax of 2.3 percent on their revenue in addition to 8.84 percent corporate income tax.  The combined marginal tax rate for top income earners would rise to 57.65 percent (39.6% for federal plus 18.05% for California).

Both the California State Senate and Assembly would need to vote in favor by a 2/3 majority to pass the proposal.  Currently, the Democrats have 75 percent sittings in both houses, and it may very well happen.  Price of living in the Golden State is becoming unaffordable for many people.  Please see the article published by Tax Foundation for further detail (a link provided below).


Research and Experimental Expenditures (Korean version)

증세 조항이 다수 포함된 민주당의 'Build Back Better (BBB)' 법안 통과가 어려워지면서 현재로선 2022년 세법에 극적인 변화가 없을 것으로 짐작된다. 그러나 Research and Experimental (R&E)  연구및 실험비 지출에 대한 세금 처리 등 이전에 제정된 법안에 따라 일부 세금 조항이 변경될 예정이다.

기업들은 지난 70년동안 연구및 실험비를 전액 공제할수있는 옵션을 누려왔다. 하지만, 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act에 따르면 2022년 1월 1일 이후 지급되거나 발생한 R&E 비용은 자본화 하여 5년에 걸쳐 상각해야한다. 해외 연구에 따른 연구 개발비 상각 기간은 15년이다. 또한, 상각해야 하는 R&E 지출에는 소프트웨어 개발과 관련하여 발생하는 비용도 포함된다.

현재 연구개발비 공제에 크게 의존하는 생명과학과 첨단기술 기업들은 현금 및 이연법인세의 회계 관리에서 이러한 변화를 고려해야 한다.