Category Archives: Firm News

Main Street Small Business Tax Credit II

Main Street Small Business Tax Credit II

The Main Street Small Business Tax Credit II will provide COVID-19 financial relief to qualified small business employers. Beginning November 1, 2021, and ending November 30, 2021, the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) will be accepting applications through their online reservation system for qualified small business employers to reserve $1,000 per net increase in qualified employees, not to exceed $150,000. Taxpayers that qualified for Employee Retention Credit may also qualify for the Main Street Small Business Tax Credit.

Tentative credit reservation amounts will generally be reduced by credit amounts reserved or received under the first Main Street Small Business Tax Credit. The credits are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis, and the allocation limit for this credit will be approximately $116 million.

Qualified small businesses can use the credit against income taxes, or can make an irrevocable election to apply the credit against sales and use taxes.

The credit only applies to California small businesses that meet the following qualifications:

  • Employed 500 or fewer employees as of December 31, 2020, and
  • Experienced a decrease of 20 percent or more in income tax gross receipts by comparing gross receipts for 2020 to gross receipts for 2019.

The amount credit is $1,000 for each net increase in qualified employees, measured by monthly average full-time equivalent. Employers that had low headcounts from April 1, 2020 though June 30, 2020 and added employees during the 12 month period beginning July 1, 2020 and ending June 30, 2021 are good candidates for this program.

The following information is needed to assess the opportunity:

Both 2020 and 2019 gross receipts. Payroll information during the periods April 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021. Business name, type of entity, mailing address, phone number, email. Number of employees as of December 31, 2020.


Washington State Enacts New Capital Gains Tax

Washington State Enacts New Capital Gains Tax

The Washington State Legislature passed a new capital gains tax on April  25, 2021, which will take effect on January 1, 2022, and the first payment are due on or before April 17, 2023. This tax creates a 7% tax on the sale or exchange of long-term capital assets, if the profits exceed $250,000 annually. It applies to individuals for gains allocated to Washington state and can also be applicable to individuals’ ownership interest in an entity that sells or exchanges long-term capital assets.

Exempt assets

The sale or exchange of the following assets are exempt from the Washington capital gains tax:

  • Real estate
  • Interests in a privately-held entity to the extent that the capital gain (loss) is directly attributable to the real estate owned directly by such entity
  • Assets held in certain retirement accounts
  • Assets subject to condemnation, or sold or exchanged under imminent threat of condemnation.
  • Assets used in a trade or business to the extent of the exhaustion, wear and tear of property or qualify for expensing under Title 26 U.S. code § 179 of the internal revenue code
  • Please see the Department of Revenue Washington State website for other exempt assets.



  • A business and occupation (B&O) tax credit is included for B&O taxes due on the same sale or exchange which is subject to the Washington capital gains tax.
  • A Washington capital gains tax credit is included for any legally imposed income or excise tax owed to other jurisdictions on capital gains included within the individual's Washington capital gains.

written by Sean Jeong

President Biden’s Tax Plans for Individuals (Korean version)

바이든 대통령의 개인 납세자 대상 세금 정책

민주당이 하원과 상원을 모두 장악하고 있는 가운데, 바이든 대통령이 제안한 세금 정책 상당수가 의회를 휩쓸 예정이다. 고소득 개인에게 영향을 미치는 세수 증대 제안 일부는 다음과 같다.

세율 인상

소득이 $400,000 이상인 개인 납세자에 대한 최고 세율을 37% 에서 39.6% 인상할 계획이다.

자본이득세 인상

바이든 대통령은 소득이 백만달러를 초과하는 개인 납세자에 대해 장기 자본 이득세 적격 배당세 세율을 20% 에서 보통세율과 동일한 39.6% 으로 인상할 계획이다.

초고액 자산가 부유세

초고액 자산가 과세법안은 3월에 민주당 상원 의원 Elizabeth Warren 도입하였으며, 최소 5천만달러의 재산을 가진 납세자에세 연간 2% 부유세를 부과하고, 최소 10억달러의 재산을 가진 납세자에게는 3% 부유세를 부과한다. 재산은 재산의 공정 가치를 기준으로 결정된다.

상속세 인상

상원 의원 Bernie Sanders Sheldon Whitehouse 3월에 도입한 99.5% 법안은 상속세 증여세를 크게 인상시킨다. 법안이 제정되면, 상속세 면제를 1인당 1,170 달러에서 350 달러로 줄여 대다수의 개인 납세자에게 상속세가 부과될 것이며, 증여세 면제를 1백만달러로 줄이고 연간 증여 비과세 한도를 증여받는 사람당 $10,000 줄인다. 또한, 10 달러를 초과하는 재산에 대한 상속세를 40%에서 65% 인상한다.

미실현 이익에 대한 세금

현행법에 따르면, 증여 또는 유증 재산의 가치 상승에 대한 양도 소득세는 증여의 경우 연기되거나 단계적으로 제거된다. 하지만, 민주당은 가치가 상승된 재산이 증여 또는 유증으로 양도되는 시점에 과세하는 법안을 도입했다.

이러한 제안 일부가 제정되면, 높은 순자산 고소득 개인은 소득세 상속세 계획에 상당한 변화를 겪을 가능성이 있다. 따라서, 순자산과 소득이 높은 개인은 입법 진행 상황을 모니터링하고 세금 영향을 이해하며 영향을 최소화하기 위한 사전 계획을 고려해야 한다.